Posted on: October 8, 2019 Posted by: Jan Kopischke Comments: 0

National Drug Take Back Day was October 26, 2019.  It is an opportunity for anyone to drop off expired or unused and unwanted prescription drugs in an effort to prevent the unlawful circulation of those medications to people to whom they were not prescribed.  Many opiod-addicted patients have stated that they frequently stole these kinds of medications from family members or friends because they were easy to access, and no one noticed a few pills missing here or there.  

A serious of National Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) has recently been broadcast during prime-time viewing slots to bring awareness to the issue of unwanted prescriptions and the dangers of keeping them after they are no longer needed.

If you missed the chance to drop them off at a public collection site, MVCC Campus Police now has a 24/7 Drop location open at the Police Department on campus.  It is open to students, staff, faculty and the public to help keep these powerful pain killers out of the hands of addicts who may abuse them. No forms need to be completed and no questions are asked.

Items that are not allowed in the drop box include illicit ot street drugs (e.g. methamphetamine, heroin, marijuana, and cocaine), and any injectable medications like insulin and the needles or sharps needed to administer those drugs.

If you have any questions about which drugs you can or cannot drop off, please contact Campus Police at 708-974-5555 or

Moraine Valley