Author: Lauren Hassen

Posted on: March 25, 2021 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Hassen prepares to hand over reins of student trustee position

Did you know that I am the first Student Trustee at Moraine Valley Community College to be sworn in virtually? Well if not, now you do. Being the Student Trustee over this past year has been a privilege but has also been a testament of my patience and my work ethic. I have never been challenged as much in my life as I have been within this past year. As…

Posted on: March 8, 2021 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

MV Foundation scholarship applications decline; apply today

            Although spring break is around the corner, it’s important for students to take the time to apply for the hundreds of scholarships our college has available! Yes, you read that correctly, there are more than 200 scholarships that are readily available for students for both part-time and full-time students, FAFSA and non-FAFSA, with some being gender- or age-specific, and others targeted on certain degree programs. Some scholarships require a…

Posted on: February 18, 2021 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Welcome back to campus! Follow these procedures to stay safe

Hello and welcome back to our second semester of the 2020-2021 school year! I hope you all had a wonderful break and had time to relax and home in on the things you truly enjoy and love. I know many of us are excited to finish this school year and transfer to another college, receive our certificates and degrees, or just want to have a restful summer break. I am…

Posted on: December 2, 2020 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Strength for today: bright hope for tomorrow

            Here we are at the end of the semester and the end of the year. A year we had so much hope for. A year that was filled with many unknowns. So many unknowns and curve balls, that it sometimes became too much. Many of us are or have been sick with COVID-19, have lost family members and loved ones due to COVID-19, or had been victims or known…

Posted on: November 21, 2020 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Struggling to afford tuition, expenses? Apply for CARES or GEERS

Financial assistance is still available through state and federal grants.           It’s time to register for spring classes and during a time like this, money can be quite hard to come by. I know from personal experience that no one likes to admit they are dealing with a financial burden, but I just want to explain that being financially unstable is perfectly normal and there are plenty of ways for…

Posted on: November 19, 2020 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Apply before year’s end for college work study positions

Calling all applicable work-study students! There are jobs available for you on campus right now! If you are currently in the work-study program or plan to be in the work-study program next semester or next school year, please keep in mind that the college has jobs and resources available for you to succeed. If you are already a part of the work-study program and currently do not have an on…

Posted on: November 5, 2020 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Let your voice be heard: Run for student trustee

In a time of uncertainty, student voices matter the most, and that’s why it’s so important to consider running for student trustee for the 2021-2022 school year. There are plenty of benefits to running for student trustee: not only do you get to sit on the Board and make important decisions for our college, you also receive special opportunities that most students do not. It is an absolute privilege to…

Posted on: September 28, 2020 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Hassen urges students to de-stress for success

            As we come to the end of our first quarter this Fall 2020 school semester, it’s important to remember that whenever things get too busy or too stressful, there is always someone for you to talk to, and a way for you to de-stress. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any suggestions, concerns, or comments that you think may be vital to the Board of…