Posted on: March 4, 2020 Posted by: Glacier Staff Comments: 0

By Nathaly Duenas

COM 151 Student

Valentine’s Day is a romanticized holiday that solely focuses on couples. But you don’t have to be in a relationship to celebrate this holiday that is filled with love, right? Yeah, you don’t. Here are some ways you can celebrate Valentine’s Day and spread the love with your friends or even solo. The choice is yours! 
Make M&M pretzel kisses
Need: Pretzels, M&Ms, Dove Chocolate. Optional: Valentine’s Day limited edition versions
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. On a lightly greased cookie sheet, lay out your pretzels, put your chocolates on top of the pretzels, and bake for a couple minutes until chocolate softens. Take your cookie sheet out of the oven and apply M&Ms on top of all of your pretzels, and enjoy!
Be your own Valentine
Valentine’s Day has always been centered around expressing love to those around us, but what about ourselves? We need a little love, too. Buy yourself something nice! Show yourself some love through splurging on items that have been calling your name.
It is completely okay to treat yourself every now and then. If materialistic items aren’t your thing, write yourself a letter about the things you love about yourself. Showing yourself love is vital for your emotional health, so be kind to yourself. 
Have a potluck
Gather everyone you love and have a beautiful evening. Have each of the guests bring something, whether it be appetizers, beverages, or side dishes for your main dish, and have a great time! Share food, share laughs, and most importantly, spread the love. 
Indulge in a self-care nightGather some friends over for a mini spa night! Buy some face masks, light some candles, play some good music and relax with great people at your side.
Play card games
Who doesn’t love a good game night? Card games are a great way to get people to interact with one another. Try games such as Cards Against Humanity, UNO, or What Do You Meme? These games are affordable and are sold at your local stores.
Get creative
Instead of taking a painting class, go buy some canvases and paint at Hobby Lobby or JoAnn Fabrics and create something beautiful with the people you love. It is an easy, affordable way to get your creativity on! 
Watch a movie
Open up Disney+ and watch “The Lion King.” There are loads of cartoons that you and your friends grew up watching that are now streaming. “The Other Guys” and “Wedding Crashers” are both on Netflix and that is sure to get the laughs going. Grabbing some popcorn and hanging out with your friends is a great way to spend any night, let alone Valentine’s Day.