Posted on: May 9, 2024 Posted by: Stefanie DaCosta Comments: 0

Dear Fellow students, 

As finals week approaches and the cloud of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement hoovers above us, I want to remind you to stop, take a deep breath, and reflect on the past 15 weeks. We have made it through tough exams, daunting assignments, and countless lectures. We laughed, cried, and everything in between to get to the point we are at right now. Acknowledge the growth, and give yourself credit for committing to a task and sticking with it. Cherish the moments you have shared with classmates and faculty and the memories you have made, because they are now remnants of the past. 

Stefanie DaCosta, 2024-25 Student Trustee

I want to congratulate the graduates of 2024 and wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors. Some of you will be going to four-year universities and some will be joining the workforce in your chosen fields. Whichever path you take, remember to enjoy the journey, and the destination will be so much more rewarding. As your Student Trustee, I am so proud of each of you! Please know you will be missed dearly by staff, faculty, and students. Thank you for being a part of the Moraine Valley legacy and newly appointed alumni. Spread your wings graduating class of 2024 and take off to greater heights. 

Your Student Trustee, 

Stefanie DaCosta