Posted on: February 11, 2021 Posted by: Glacier Staff Comments: 0


“Soul” is the kind of movie everyone in your family can enjoy. The appeal of the movie for kids may be the vibrant colors and funny animations, while the appeal for the teenager/adult crowd is the heartfelt and meaningful lessons.

With a great cast featuring Jamie Foxx and Tina Fey as the two stars, the movie was bound to be good.

The main character Joe Gardner (Foxx), a part-time middle school teacher who is also a struggling musician on the side, seems to be disappointed in his life. When offered a full-time position as the band teacher, Joe tells his mother that he is considering not taking the job because he wants to pursue being a musician full-time, but his mother makes it known that she disproves that decision completely.

Joey Fernandez

Arts & Entertainment Editor

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Shortly after this scene, he is offered a gig by a former student that would allow him to perform with well-known jazz artist Dorothea Williams. He is ecstatic but also realizes that he isn’t satisfied with what he has going on in his life. While running around town in excitement, he falls into what seems to be a sewer but he later realizes it’s a place called “the great beyond” that he was going towards. As he is running away from this place, he stumbles upon a place that is called “the great before” which is the place where souls reside before they go to Earth.

This is really where the movie starts. Joe does his best to make his way back to Earth while meeting a special soul “22” who is the other main character, played by Tina Fey. 22 is the witty so-called “reject” soul who claims she will never make it past “the great before” due to her lack of motivation to find her “spark,” which is needed for a soul to be able to reach Earth. 

The relationship at the start is a bit bumpy, as most Disney movies are at first. But it develops into a parent/child type relationship and becomes very heartwarming.


As they explore, 22 shows Joe around many places as he is hellbent on being able to return to Earth for his “big break.” When Joe admits he is solely focused on getting back to Earth, she brings him to a secret place where lost souls go and introduces him to Moonwind, a living, very spiritual guy who has a way to transport in and out of reality. He says that he lives in New York as does Joe which is a very important detail of the movie.

When Joe is presented an opportunity to make it back, he jumps back in too early and brings 22 with him on accident and his soul lands in a cat that was with him in the hospital, while 22 lands in his body. This dynamic of a character not allowed to be in their own body is a classic tactic used in many movies but never seems to get old. 

While back on Earth, Joe and 22 track down Moonwind’s real life self so that he can help make the switch and get Joe back into his body.

Shortly after Joe is set with a very important decision on whether or not he gives his life to 22 or not because she has grown to like Earth during her time in his body. 

All of this leads to a main point of whether or not you believe your “calling” is all you live for. 

I give the movie 4 out of 5 stars. The only reason I wouldn’t give it a perfect rating is because the build-up to the climax of the movie dragged on a little too long, but that is only one knock on an otherwise great film. The aspects I enjoyed were the humorous heartwarming moments between Joe and 22.

Overall, this Pixar film is a fun watch with many laughable moments along with many other emotions felt throughout.

The film is currently available on Disney+ and is worth the 1 hour and 47 min watch.

Moraine Valley