Posted on: May 8, 2020 Posted by: Jan Kopischke Comments: 0

Jan Kopischke, Student Publications Advisor

With Moraine Valley still shuttered for the COIVD-19 outbreak, the Art Department instructors did not want to skip the Annual Spring Student Art Exhibit. Working together with IT, they were able to create an online gallery of student work, pieces which would have been displayed in the FPAC gallery, to recognize the talents and skills students have acquired in a variety of art courses offered by Moraine.

Art instructors, Chris Matusek, Tyler Hewitt, Erik LaGattuta, and Lynn Peters made up the jury panel which decided on the specific pieces to be included in this year’s exhibit from among several disciplines in art.

“We look to show a representation of the best quality work created in the art and design department that is representative all the disciplines including ceramics, collage, digital art, drawing, graphic design, painting, photography (digital and traditional), printmaking, and sculpture,” stated Matusek.   She continued, “We chose the work of students who were able to successfully merge form and content to visually communicate interesting ideas while maintaining high quality standards of craft and skill, [and which] showed a strong foundation in art and design concepts and technology.”

The exhibit was also submitted to the Skyway and League for Innovation competitions. Moraine has always scored well among other Illinois Community Colleges at Skyway, according to Lisa Kelsay.

The link to the gallery is here and can be viewed through the MVCC portal as well.

The virtual gallery presented an opportunity to display the artwork in a different and distant format. Those who helped make the distance gallery a reality include: Tommy Hensel, FPAC director; Gedimas Jakovickas, Art Gallery Coordinator; Tracie Macejak Miller, Digital Designer; Lynn Peters, Art Faculty; and Leah Cassella, Music and Arts Assistant. Their work to bring the virtual gallery to life was integral to the exhibit.

Normally, the pieces would be sold at the end of the exhibit period, but with no online platform to do so this year, the artwork will be returned to the students.