Posted on: February 26, 2021 Posted by: Glacier Staff Comments: 0

By Michael Soffel, JRN 111 Student

While nearly 1 in 5 Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19 at this point, many people have been nervous to get in line.

“Personally I will not take it for a while, if ever, depending on the future side effects,” said Liam Gallagher, a 23-year-old Moraine student, in an interview in December. “It was developed so quickly and seems like it was pushed through to simply calm the public.”

However, members of the nursing faculty at Moraine urge people to go ahead and get the vaccine as soon as they are eligible.

“I do not think the vaccine was rushed,” said Kelli Nickols, who received the Nurse Educator Fellowship award from the Illinois Board of Higher Education two years ago.

Everyone needs to take the vaccine who qualifies, to create herd immunity.”

Ann Marie Jagiella, Nursing Professor

“Government funding and resources were set aside to support the need for the vaccine,” she said. “From what I have read, the efficacy of the vaccines seems reliable. The vaccines have also gone through clinical trials and there are side effects to almost every medication and vaccine.”

Nickols said it is most important for those in high-risk categories to obtain the vaccine, but “the virus has been very unpredictable, and affecting all age, race, and gender groups.”

Ann Marie Jagiella, who also is a nursing professor at Moraine Valley, said she planned to take the vaccine as soon as possible.

“Everyone needs to take the vaccine who qualifies, to create herd immunity,” Jagiella said. “Of those who do not take it because they just don’t believe in it, I am not so concerned about their health. I am more concerned about the innocent person they could contaminate if they become ill.”

The vaccine will not eliminate the chances of getting COVID-19, so “once vaccinated, we will still need to wash our hands, wear our masks, and watch our distance as stated by IDPH,” Nickols said.

“Everyone has to make an informed decision for themselves and their family on whether the vaccine is appropriate for them,” she said. But “we all play a vital role in protecting one another and those vulnerable to becoming very ill with COVID-19.”

Moraine Valley