By Kaitlyn Davies, JRN 111 Student

Tracy Crump, a Saint Xavier professor specializing in sociology, anthropology, and criminal justice, will delve deep into some of the struggles the Black community has faced in a Moraine Library Live event Wednesday at 11 a.m. She will start with the Red Summer of 1919 and trace its influence to today.
“Revisiting the Past and Looking Toward the Future: How Society Has Dealt with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 1919-2021” is one of many events the library is offering related to the One Book, One College selection, “1919,” by Eve Ewing. The One Book program invites all members of the Moraine community to come together to read and discuss a selected text each year.
Library department chair Troy Swanson oversees the One Book events, along with his coworker Tish Hayes. In choosing the book for this year, he said the committee “wanted something we felt spoke to a time period that we were living in.”
Parallels can be drawn from the past to the present, Swanson said, with the most likely being how the country will eventually go about solving issues involving race.
He hopes Crump’s talk “can help us connect the dots, looking at the history that’s brought us to now, to help us see new ways that we can move forward to address some of the problems that we see.
“Society didn’t just end up in its current state by accident. There are active forces that are at play, and until we recognize those forces it’s difficult to make changes.”
The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Webex and is open to the general public. Registration is required. Once you are registered, you will receive an email confirming your attendance, along with a link to join the video call.
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