Here we are at the end of the semester and the end of the year. A year we had so much hope for. A year that was filled with many unknowns. So many unknowns and curve balls, that it sometimes became too much. Many of us are or have been sick with COVID-19, have lost family members and loved ones due to COVID-19, or had been victims or known victims of police brutality, or lost family to police brutality. Many of us have lost our jobs and homes due to uncertainty. Many of us have to attend classes online, and struggle to get through each lesson. We have seen and dealt with many terrible situations this year, and I believe it will only make us stronger. The pain of loss, suffering, and unknown will eventually heal, and many of us may regret the experiences we could not have. I ask you to live your days with no regret. Adversity builds strength – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We’ve had our fair share of trials in 2020.
Lauren Hassen
Moraine Valley Student Trustee
How can we grow stronger through adversity? Call and text your loved ones as often as possible. Stay safe through social distance from others, and wear a mask. Lean on the ones you hold close and tell them how you feel, inside and out. Take that class you never thought you would pass. Join clubs you were interested in, but felt like you never had the time; make friends everywhere you go. It’s times like these, when we face an uncertain ending that we may start to lose hope and regret our past choices. I hope after you read this, I give you enough courage to never have regrets, take chances, and be strong.
We are still being successful in uncertain times – finishing classes solely online, attending clubs and activities, social distancing when seeing friends and family, keeping others safe, donating food, toiletries, and other items to people who are in need, being honest about our true emotions and feelings during these tough times – these are all wonderful accomplishments!
Although this year has not been what any of us expected, we are still doing a great job staying afloat. I know some may feel indifferent, but I promise you, you are doing great and someone is proud of your strength, your intelligence, and your sheer will power to get through this year. Whether that be your parents, your siblings, your aunts and uncles, your grandparents, your friends, your professors, administration, or even me. Someone is proud of you and always will be. Keep your head held high and just keep going. It will get better.
I think we have all had our fair share of tragedies this year, and I truly hope that next year will be different. I hope next semester will be safer and happier than the times we are in right now. I hope next year will be filled with only accomplishments and successful moments for each and every one of us. I want us all to take this winter break as a time for reflection, deep thought, and prayer. As the world continues to heal, we need to heal on a personal level, too. I wish you all the best of luck on your finals for this semester, and I hope that next semester and next year will be better for all of us.
You are more than welcome to contact me at to schedule a Zoom meeting or chat with me through email about anything on your mind.
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