Dear fellow students –
As the school year goes on, I would like to share some more information with you all. Last
month we discussed how to attend Moraine Valley Community College without student loans.
This month, I would like to share some resources that can greatly help students attain a degree
that makes a good income. In the spirit of financial wellness, I would like to share with you some
more hidden gems that you might not know about. They are the BNAT and EMS Tuition Free
Program, as well as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program.

Nematallah Hasan
Student Trustee 2022-23
The Pipeline for the Advancement of the Health Care Workforce Program, also known as the
Path grant, funds the tuition-free Emergency Medical Services and the Basic Nurse Assistant
Training programs. Students accepted into the tuition free program will have textbooks, tuition,
course fees, and materials for class paid. They even include a 50 dollar gas card. However,
students who qualify for the Pell grant will not qualify for this grant. If you are interested in this
opportunity, you can register in building B room B150. You can also learn more about the
program here.
WIOA, or the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act program, is a program that helps
students to earn degrees for in demand jobs. This is a great opportunity for the youth, adult
learners, and dislocated workers. If you are interested, you can learn more here. They have a
wide range of programs ranging from healthcare to trade to IT!
I hope these resources are beneficial for you. It is always my pleasure to connect students to the resources here at our institution.
Have a great day,
Your Student Trustee,
Nematallah Hasan

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