Hello, to both students and staff at Moraine Valley Community College! My name is Lauren Hassen, and I am the Student Trustee for the 2020-2021 school year. This is a very exciting privilege, and I cannot wait to work with students and staff alike to make Moraine Valley an even better place! My initial goal for this upcoming school year was to make clubs and activities more convenient for students to attend. I understand that because of the current events there is not a specific time when we’ll be back to school, and start to attend these clubs and activities again in person. Even if we aren’t able to attend extracurricular activities on campus, we can always find new ways to communicate and stay active with one another.
I am already starting to work alongside some of our many great staff members to make sure I can still accomplish this goal for our students this year. I will do my best to find solutions to keep us busy, and still have a strong sense of college pride during these hard times.
If you would like to contact me about any ideas or recommendations you may have about anything at all, or just need a friend during these hard times, please reach out to me through my email address: hassenl2@student.morainevalley.edu. I hope everyone is staying safe and practicing social distancing to the best of their ability. I wish you all good health, and good luck for the rest of the school year!