Photo by mvcyclones.com
Hello fellow students, I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the semester, and finding ways to become involved in clubs, organizations and opportunities on campus. This month, I wanted to highlight a few dates and promote our fall sports.

Demetri Sianis
Student Trustee, 2023-24
First, classes are canceled on Tuesday, Oct. 3 for Staff Development Day. The day provides time for faculty and staff to learn new skills to implement in their classrooms, explore other topics of interest, discover pathways to manage their physical and mental health, collaborate with colleagues, or further develop their expertise by teaching what they have researched. It is also a chance for MV students to complete extra work, or recharge their energies for the rest of the semester.
Second, fall at Moraine has an abundance of sporting events scheduled. The weather is still mild, many of the games take place outdoors, and are right here on campus. Our Men’s and Women’s Cross Country teams have gone to Nationals several times over the past few years. Their next joint meet is Saturday, Sept. 16 in Warrenville. Men’s and Women’s Soccer home games are held here across 86th/88th Avenue on the east side of campus. Their next home games for the men are Sept. 12, Sept. 19, and Sept. 23. The women play at home on Sept. 13, Sept. 23, and Sept. 27. Women’s Tennis will play their final three home matches this month as well on Sept. 14, Sept. 23, and Sept. 26. Women’s Volleyball will have a number of away games this month, but will play at home on Wednesday this week at 6:00 p.m. They currently have a 6-3 win-loss record. Men’s Golf has four more meets this fall, but none are here on campus. They have come in third place in two of their three meets so far this season. You can find all the teams’ schedules here as well as recaps and scores from meets and games from the beginning of their seasons. Come out, show your school spirit and cheer on our teams. Our Men’s and Women’s basketball teams will start their seasons next month.
Third, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is being simplified this year, and the process will open on Dec. 1, not the Oct. 1 of years past. The earlier students complete the application, the better their chances for grants and scholarships. Yes, the form can be tedious, but one’s eligibility for Pell grants and other forms of student aid like College Work Study (CWS) are determined by completing the application. I’ll have more details later this semester on the process. If you need help with how to complete the application, you can contact the Financial Aid office in S107. They are also offering free seminars on Tuesdays to learn more.
Finally, I want to have time to meet you and hear your concerns. I will have office hours in the PTK office (U204) on Mondays from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Please feel free to stop by if you have questions or concerns about campus life.
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