Photo by Aidan McGuire
Demetri Sianis, Student Trustee
Welcome back fellow students! I hope everyone had a great summer break. I was here during summer taking classes, but I still enjoyed the sunshine and warm weather. It was a nice break, but now we must all get back into our routine of school and studying.

Demetri Sianis
Student Trustee, 2023-24
Here at Moraine Valley Community College, we offer more than just classes and places to study. There are a lot of clubs that Student Life offers to everyone at Moraine Valley. The clubs are a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people who share your interests. With so many clubs to choose from, there is something for everyone! Just to name a few, we offer Glacier Student Newspaper, S.T.E.M. Club (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and Tritones (Choir/Band). Here is the link that you may investigate for any information on the clubs that are offered here at Moraine Valley.
Stop by Fall Fest on Wednesday, September 6 out on the Gateway (that’s the grassy area between the G, C, and F buildings) to connect with Clubs and Organizations as well as learn about all the student services available for you to make the most of your Moraine experience.
I hope to see you around campus both studying hard and having some fun.
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