Deana Elhit
Outside Contributor
The Valentines for Veterans event took place on Feb. 4 – 5, and had an open door for Moraine Valley’s students and staff to join the Christian Fellowship Club, Boots to College, and Student Life in creating heart-warming and thoughtful cards for veterans who are currently in hospitals during the holiday.
Carmen Tedeschi, whose family served in the military and is part of the Christian Fellowship Club knows how hard, and how much dedication it takes, for those who have been in the service. She believes spreading love to others is an important part of her faith and stands by the Bible verse, “God so loved the world the He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” from John 3:16. Tedeschi’s eyes reflected the love she feels for others as she explained her admiration and thanks for veterans. “Taking all things in perspective, some people [vets] might not have families[to visit them]. It would be nice to cheer them up.”
The impact of this event is undeniably made out of pure love as MVCC staff and students created cards to showed veterans they are appreciated, remembered, and recognized for their selfless actions for the purpose of our freedom.
The event made approximately 150 cards, which will be sent to Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital in Maywood, IL near Loyola University Hospital. Tedeschi volunteers to send them out.
The event was sponsored by the Christian Fellowship, Boots to College, and Student Life.
The Valentines for Veterans event is an annual event, and always results in acts of kindness from students and staff. Their thoughts are presented in the empathetic, compassionate messages written in each note card, waiting for veterans to read on Valentine’s Day.
Christian Fellowship, Boots to College, and Student Life appreciate all who stopped in for a few minutes during the two-day event to share a little love with those veterans who faithfully served our nation and are recovering in the hospital.
Deana Elhit can be contaced at elhitd@student.morainevalley.edu