Jacob Williams
Departing Opinions Editor
Welcome my fellow readers to my final Thoughts with Jake here at Moraine Valley. For this edition, it will just be structured more like a thank you note to everyone who has helped make Thoughts with Jake a reality.
It’s a little crazy to think that this little series of my writing about just random things that I love all just started with a simple idea that I brought to my former editor-in-chief. The ideas that I had for this simple column were plentiful, so I really want to thank all of my friends for being the guinea pigs for these two years. Whenever I had a hard time with what I wanted to write, I always went to my friends. I would also like to thank my friend Allie for introducing me to The Glacier staff and helping me adjust to newspaper writing. I would also really like to thank all of my editors for taking my work over these two years and making it sound ten times better, as well as making it grammatically sound.
Overall, it was great having the freedom and opportunity to write about video games, movies, TV, anime, and manga for all this time and every layout, no matter how tired or stressed out we were; we always had a good laugh and pizza. I have also enjoyed the amount of time I have spent with each staff member, and the memes that we have made and shared over these two years. I truly will cherish the time Pam, Allie and I were sitting in a hotel room at a newspaper conference watching Ghost Adventures and making jokes. Also, with the short time I had making the opinions section, I have to say that it has definitely grown to a great section.
My final thanks go to my readers who have spent their time to read this section. I am pretty sad to see my time at The Glacier go, but at least I am not a sad panda because nothing is worse than a sad panda.
Jake Williams can be reached at williamsj588@student.morainevalley.edu for a few more short weeks. He is tranferring to St. Xavier University to continue his studies and completion toward his Bachelor’s Degree.