Jake Williams
Opinions Editor
Welcome back to another Thoughts with Jake. In this issue I will be discussing my favorite Youtubers ever.
I spend a lot of time on YouTube and it shows. I personally have over 1,000 liked videos and 100 subscribed channels so I think it is time that I share some of my favorite channels that create content on YouTube.
The first channel is a horror themed one that has the best show called the Kill Count. The channel is called Dead Meat which is run by James A. Janisse. It is commentary about horror movies, making jokes, and counting kills. James also has the Dead Meat podcast in which he and his fiancé talk about horror movies in a more detailed and in-depth way. If you love horror and making jokes, then Dead Meat is the channel for you.
The second channel is more of a hybrid between gaming and science with a lot of practical comedy thrown in. Upisnotjump is a channel if you appreciate wacky humor and editing jokes. Created by a former chemistry teacher, this channel has tons of content from VR game reviews to explaining how the universe was created in the most knowledgeable and entertaining way possible. If you like fast-paced comedy with some science and criticism, then check out Upisnotjump.
The third channel I really enjoy is a mixture of sarcasm, criticism, and tons of manga and anime. Alex aka Cvit is a youtuber that caught my attention from his Yugioh videos but after some time I started to watch his more critical reviews and fell in love with his style. I have discovered so many great anime and manga series from this youtuber like Berserk, Gurren Lagann, and Kengan Ashura. If you are looking for a channel that will constantly give you good recommendations for new series, give Cvit a chance.
The fourth Youtuber I really enjoy is called Stitched Together Pictures. Andy aka the Maniacal Cinephile is a horror reviewer who hosts a show titled Boots to Reboots. The concept is simple: Andy and his personalities watch a movie and its reboot, and analyze whether it deserves the boot. The boot means that Andy takes a boot and stomps on the movie until he feels satisfied. You can really tell that this youtuber has a passion for horror movies and the art of film in general. If you like good critical reviews and hosts with a personality, then Stitched Together Pictures is for you.
The final Youtuber I want to talk about is with out a doubt my favorite of all time. His name his Craig Thompson but many know him as Mini Ladd. Mini is a gaming and lifestyle youtuber who got his start in 2012 making Call of Duty funny moments. Over the years Mini has gone on his own and has made a successful career and amazing fanbase of his Reddit videos. Fun fact for the day: Mini’s old segment Thoughts with Mini helped inspire the name of my series of opinions for The Glacier. If you like gaming or comedy in general, then Mini Ladd is a youtuber to check out.
This has been Thoughts with Jake. I hope you enjoyed it. Next issue is going to be my final Thoughts with Jake, so let’s end this series with a bang.
Jake Williams can be reached at williamsj588@student.morainevalley.edu