Posted on: April 29, 2021 Posted by: Glacier Staff Comments: 0

Photos by Jack Zampillo

If you’re passing through campus between classes, take a walk by the D building, where you’ll find a sidewalk filled with meaningful poetry. As part of its One Book program, the library encouraged members of the Moraine community to “share poetry with the world” beginning in April for National Poetry Month. Amani Wazwaz, professor of literature and communications, spent more than two hours writing one of her own poems in chalk (below). She also encouraged her students to write excerpts from their favorite poems (above).

Have any poems you’d like to add? Just find a blank space, make sure your poem fits the area, and begin your work! The library asks that any students adding a poem use chalk that does not damage property, avoid writing on anything other than the sidewalk, and refrain from any derogatory language. Share your work using the hashtag #MVCCchalkpoems.

Moraine Valley