Posted on: January 22, 2020 Posted by: Glacier Staff Comments: 0

Mirta Guerra

News Editor

Student Life welcomed Amanda O’Connor as the new Student Life Manager in October. She joined the team after former Student Life Manager, Demetrius Robinson, left Moraine for McHenry County Community College. 

O’Connor described her excitement and enjoyment for Student Life. She has always had a passion for clubs and organizations, and gained previous experience while working at Waubonsee Community College. She also spent a year in admissions at St. Francis University, and received her Master’s degree from Northern Illinois University. 

She found the job opening for the Student Life Manager at Moraine and eagerly applied. O’Connor describes her appreciation towards the department, her fellow staff members, and the students as they all welcomed her with open arms. She described them as very supportive and helpful. She admires how lively and involved the students are at MVCC.  O’Connor stated she “feels alive and inspired while working.” She feels that Student Life is the “heartbeat” of the institution and that the students contribute greatly to it. 

Compared to other institutions, she noticed and was shocked that the students at Moraine Valley break the stigma of extracurricular activities not working and lack of peer involvement. She is still learning about the [MVCC] culture and is figuring out what programs work best with students. 

She goes out of her way to buy supplies, looks thoroughly through applications, plans out the week, works on collaborations, and feels great while working. She wants students to know that if they’re interested in joining Student Life, they should, and are always welcome.

Mirtha Guerra can be contacted at

Moraine Valley