Posted on: February 18, 2021 Posted by: Lauren Hassen Comments: 0

Hello and welcome back to our second semester of the 2020-2021 school year! I hope you all had a wonderful break and had time to relax and home in on the things you truly enjoy and love. I know many of us are excited to finish this school year and transfer to another college, receive our certificates and degrees, or just want to have a restful summer break. I am definitely right there with you! Some of us may be taking classes virtually or online and others may be taking hybrid classes, like myself. If you plan to come onto campus for hybrid classes, tutoring, or possible extra-curriculars, here are a couple of procedures I would like to note for you.

Lauren Hassen

Moraine Valley Student Trustee

            The first and most important procedure that I want to note is the CampusClear application. You can access this application on your phone (Android and ios devices) and also on your laptop. You will be asked a couple simple questions about how you are feeling and if you have any symptoms. Please be honest while answering these questions; the benefit of hybrid classes and other services on campus is that they can all be accessed online, so if you are having symptoms or have been around someone who has, you can definitely work from home! This app will help determine whether or not you may have full access on campus.

Masks need to cover the mouth and nose in order to be effective. Cloth masks and surgical masks are the most effective. Neck gaiters, wile convenient are the least effective and should be avoided.

            The second procedure is to social distance and wear your mask on campus at all times! We must stay six feet apart at all times and wear our masks at all times to keep ourselves and everyone else on campus safe. I would also recommend having hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes with you, but there will always be hand sanitizer on campus to use. Please be mindful that we are not doing this to stress you out, make you feel uncomfortable, or deter you from coming onto campus, but we are taking these precautions so that we can all have the safest experience on campus. This is new to all of us and we will all get the hang of it soon enough, but as long as we stay consistent and work towards staying safe, we will all be perfectly fine! I hope you all have a successful and safe semester and I will see you on campus!